Monday, July 28, 2014

Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers Conference 2014

Glacier National Park
After a week visiting family, we skidaddled to Glacier National Park, staying in Salem, South Dakota, then Billings, Montana, on our way.  We arrived in West Glacier on Tuesday, the day before the Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers conference began.  We had decided to camp rather than stay at the hotel.  Thankfully we had made reservations in Fish Creek Campground earlier in the year.  Glacier was busy, with most campgrounds full.

We had never been in Glacier during the middle of the summer.  The park certainly has a different feel in the summer months.  It is full of families.  We loved seeing the kiddos laughing, playing, and enjoying nature.
Boys enjoying Glacier National Park
The Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers Conference was exceptionally great this year.  Although David and I didn’t get to take any of the hikes with West Glacier resident and nationally renowned photographer, Tom Ulrich, the seminars and workshops were outstanding.  We, of course, brought our Golden girl, Roxanne, and had to bow out of the hikes because she can no longer take them with us.  Having her with us is such a joy, however, that we were hardly disappointed.

I love this eclectic group of people that makes up RMOWP.  The best part is that practically everyone there is anxious to share and/or learn, whether they are acclaimed National Geographic-level photographers, well published authors, or those just learning their skills.  I am happy to report that I received many kudos on my writing workshop on The Power of Place.   I even garnered a few awards in the photo and writing contests!

During the midst of the conference, I received a frantic note from our Angel Reach friends ( that the website that I had been managing for them had been compromised.  Unfortunately, none of it was salvageable.  As a result, I spent every spare moment during the conference trying to rebuild the website.  While it was a distraction from the RMOWP events, it certainly took my focus off giving my workshop!  

The conference ended Saturday evening.  I finished rebuilding the website Sunday morning.  Now vacation truly begins!  

David and I took Sunday afternoon and drove around the park.  We found a cow moose walking upstream with her calf.  Unfortunately, I was too late to photograph them, but it was wonderful just to see them in this beautiful park.

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