Saturday, July 21, 2018

Hot Time in the Old Town

Our first two days' of travel have been hot... in more ways than one.  We thought that loading the camper with temperatures in the mid-90s was hot.  While traveling the plains of Texas, temperatures soared to 113 degrees.  When we arrived in Amarillo the first evening, the temperature was still 108 degrees.  We wimped out and opted for a motel room.

Yesterday we drove across Monarch Pass, a beautiful area outside of Salida, Colorado.  The temperature at the pass was a mere 52 degrees.  We were excited to have our first night of camping, and maybe even don sweatshirts.  Then we hit the downhill side of the 11,312-foot pass.  We smelled smoking brakes on our brand new truck.  One of the brakes was so hot that David blistered his finger checking them.

I sit in a motel in Montrose, Colorado, this morning.  David has taken the truck to the dealer to have the brakes checked.  We are hoping it was just paint burning off rather than anything serious.

Great news... I just heard from David, and the brakes are fine.  North to Alaska we go!


  1. I've followed your wanderings anonymously but had to comment when I read that you spent the night in my town. Hope it was good and blessings on you folks' journey. I look forward to following along.

  2. Bob! We're so happy to hear that you're joining us on our travels. Montrose treated us royally while we were there, and the Ford dealer was wonderful.

    Montrose is one of our favorite cities. David and I have backpacked the San Juans often since 1978. We fondly remember getting snowed in during one hike up Owl Creek Pass and Cinnamon Ridge out of Ridgeway, causing us to take the long way around through a foot and a half of snow to Montrose. We ended up at a bakery with the best coffee and breakfast. Great memories!
