Sunday, September 17, 2023

A Return to Steens

Vista from Steens Mountain Loop near Frenchglen, Oregon

Over the years, we have tried several times to take the Steens Wild Horse Loop in Southeast Oregon near the town of Frenchglen but have been thwarted because of snow, slumps, and timing. We decided since we are slowing up our travels for the conference, we now have the opportunity to take our time to see what we can see. 

We learned from a store owner in Frenchglen that the loop had a slump over the road that prevented us from taking the entire 40-mile stretch. Based on her information, we chose to drive the southern section where we would most likely see wild horses. We traveled the entire 26 miles without seeing a single horse. 

It was late in the afternoon, and we were looking for a camping place. The designated camping area was next to an equestrian campground and inundated with black flies, so we moved on. Shortly afterward, we found the perfect road that would nestle us in the trees. To our surprise, we spied two wild horses, a stallion and mare, just beyond where we wanted to camp. 

The horses were a bit spooked at our arrival, but David cut the engine, and they settled down. I opened the door to the truck slowly, staying close to the cab to keep from alarming them. I spoke softly to them. Horses are such curios animals that they ventured as bit closer. The pair stayed near us while we set up camp, ultimately grazing out of our area. 

During a walk with Sam that evening, we came upon the carcass of a wild horse. In horse management areas, the horses live and die on the land. They receive no medical attention if they are injured or aged. While some would disagree, for me there is a dignity in their being able to live life that way… free and far from the things of man. 

Carcass of a Steen wild horse

An evening stroll with Sam.

As we left the next morning, we saw several other small bands of horses. It was uplifting to see them, even at a distance. Although the Steen horses were small in number, a wild horse is a wild horse in my book. I’m just delighted we found them. 

Steens wild horses

Steens wild horses

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