Thursday, September 25, 2014

Home, Sweet Home

Sunset at Caprock Canyon
Texas!  Whenever we cross that state line, it feels as if we're already home.

We pulled into Caprock Canyon State Park early in the evening and were delighted to set up our last night's camp in our favorite spot... the overflow camping area.  This small meadow rests on a mesa and is bathed in a fresh breeze every evening.

After nearly ten hours of driving, we were all glad to be able to stretch and enjoy the beauty of a Texas sunset.  Roxanne took advantage of the thick grass and rolled to her heart's content.

To our surprise, we saw a female coyote walking up the road not more than 20 feet from our camper.  She was hunting and evidently didn't even notice us.  She fled as soon as I took this photo...

As dusk settled, two deer grazed nearby.  We were struck with the beauty God offered us during these last moments of this year's travels.

We relished the cool evening, knowing well that we would break camp early to arrive home before sunset tomorrow.  Home... it is such a sweet word, isn't it?

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