Friday, July 2, 2010

Rain Day

We have truly christened the new rig.  About midnight, a steady rain began to drum the roof of the truck.

David and I slept comfortably in the bed of the Xterra.  Rox was obviously miffed that she had to either share or abandon her riding compartment.  She felt too warm to sleep with us and opted for the tent floor, sighing her heavy sigh.

The temperature dipped to the low 40s.  We were glad to have the heavy sleeping bags.  Early this morning, Rox joined us, keeping our feet warm.  

The tent leaked like a sieve in the rain.  We realized too late that our “sunscreen” was an important wet-weather tool (who knew?).  It is rain resistant and covers the entrance door.  Rain leaked in door's zipper until we had puddles.  Thankfully, they were only on one side of the tent and all the gear remained dry.

When we awoke to thunder and driving rain, I told David that I had one question.  He said, “I know the question.  The answer is that the rain gear is still in the pouch on the roof.” 

I told him that I’d go. Like the true gentleman he is, however, he said, “No, this is a man’s job.”

Obviously, we are just learning the new rig and are feeling a bit rusty remembering all the necessary elements from past camping experiences.  NOTE:  Essential camping tip… the rain gear definitely stays in the bed of the truck… not topside!   We pitched the sunscreen in driving rain this morning and mopped up the puddles with one of our super towels.  

The mountain peaks sported a fresh dusting of new snow.  They closed the road to Logan's Peak this morning after it received 8 inches!  The temperature is in the 50s with mid 30s predicted for tonight.  Wow!  This Texas girl is certainly enjoying Glacier's idea of summer!

It is definitely wonderful to stretch out.  We have hiked a few short trails today, looking for moose and waterfalls, but found neither.  Today's weather is a steady mist with high, chilling winds.  

Tomorrow, we will head towards Edmonton and will meet up with Jim and Irene in Dawson Creek on Monday. 

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